A vibrant network of connected open spaces between the Merrimack Valley and Mystic River watershed into Boston.
The Mystic Link Trail project seeks to create a vibrant network of connected open spaces between the Merrimack Valley and Boston.
Touch any town on the map to go to that town and see how the Mystic Link Trail runs through or near it.
We are adding Places to this site, meaning places of special interest in the area of the Mystic Link Trail.
Through collaboration with individuals and volunteer organizations, we aim to foster a deep sense of community and stewardship of the natural world by promoting opportunities for walking, hiking, and biking, and rolling.
Our vision is to create a network of trails that provide safe, scenic, and enjoyable routes for people of all ages and abilities. The Mystic Link will promote active lifestyles, enhance the region’s natural beauty, and strengthen connections between communities.
We believe that by promoting the Mystic Link, we can inspire people to explore their local environment, appreciate the value of our natural resources, and work together to protect them. The Mystic Link will bring people together, foster a sense of pride and ownership in the region, and ultimately make the region a better place to live, work, and play.