The MLT does not pass through any green space in its short crossing of Wakefield from Reading to Stoneham. It does accomplish the critical goal of crossing over Rt 128/95 at Hopkins Street. You can walk or bike this short section. Parking is street parking, where allowed.
Hundreds of people walk the 3-mile loop around Lake Quannapowitt. The Wakefield entrance to the 652-acre Breakheart Reservation is at the Northeast Regional Metro Tech School on Hemlock Road.
Below is a Google map of Woburn that you can also explore.
Mary Cummings Park and Whispering Hill
Part of Mary Cummings Park and all of Whispering Hill are in Woburn
Woburn Residents Environmental Network
Tri Community Greenway
Tri Community Greenway for Stoneham, Winchester, Woburn